
What is Septoplasty?

Septoplasty is a surgical procedure to correct a malformed or deviated septum to improve nasal breathing. 

What is a Deviated Septum?


The septum is the narrow wall of cartilage that separates the two nostrils.  Sometimes the septum is bent as a result of birth trauma or trauma is suffered to the nose thus producing a septal deviation.  

Reasons for Considering a Septoplasty?

Usually, the primary purpose of the septoplasty procedure is to improve nasal breathing.  In addition, the septoplasty procedure may help to improve sleep apnea, snoring, poor nasal drainage, nasal or sinus infections.

The Septoplasty Procedure
The septoplasty procedure, also referred to as septal reconstruction, involves clearing away excess deviated cartilage and surgically straightening the septum, to create a more open nasal airway.

The septoplasty procedure is usually done under twilight sedation or under general anesthesia, and is commonly completed in one hour.  The procedure itself is performed through a small incision on the inside of the nose, and the deviated portions of the septum are removed or straightened.

While septoplasty is a functional procedure, it many times is performed at the same time as cosmetic rhinoplasty, to improve nasal breathing.

Possible Complications of a Septoplasty


The undesirable results that occur may include the following:  failure to completely improve nasal breathing, postoperative bleeding, a hole in the septum, would infection, and nasal crusting.